Living in Boston

Countless service and direct ministry opportunities at parishes, 学校, and 非营利组织, hundreds of places of worship and faith centers, unrivaled academic resources, 丰富的艺术和文化——波士顿提供了这一切,甚至更多.

它也是美国历史的中心,也是国际知名的高等教育中心, 医疗保健, and technology. 在这里, 您将享受充满活力的音乐和体育场景,并方便地进入绿地-海洋和户外娱乐活动总是在附近. With such a variety of offerings, 波士顿是一个追求个人和职业成就的理想城市.

Boston skyline
Christian Rodriguez

Top 10 Favorite Things 关于 Boston

So, when my husband Michael and I moved to Boston to study at STM, 我们发现自己完全被东海岸生活的珍宝和款待迷住了. Without further ado, 以下是我在波士顿生活中最喜欢的10件事 ...
Madeline Infantine, MTS女校友



Living in Boston


Colleges and universities in Greater Boston


在你.S. cities for quality of living



Schools in the BTI Consortium


首页 to over 50 colleges and universities, a wealth of world-class cultural institutions, and a wide array of professional and collegiate sports teams, the city buzzes with energy, 知识, and new ideas. 拥有查尔斯河和大西洋,波士顿提供了无尽的娱乐机会. 学生们在一年中利用了许多这样的机会.

  • Whale watching and harbor cruises
  • Boston Harbor Islands National Park
  • The Museum of Fine Arts (free with BC ID)
  • The Freedom Trail, Bunker Hill, and the U.S.S. Constitution
  • Red Sox baseball games
  • Concerts and events on Boston Common
  • Boston's vibrant Theater District
  • Kayaking on the Charles River
  • 历史悠久的意大利北端(到处都是美味的餐厅)

  • Cape Cod and the Islands
  • Gloucester and other seaside towns
  • Easy travel to NYC, Montreal, Portland ME, and Newport RI
  • 瓦尔登湖
  • Historic Lexington and Concord
  • 萨勒姆
  • Plymouth Rock
  • Hiking in the Blue Hills

Living in Boston FAQ

question match your criteria

Do CSTM students have off-campus jobs?

Yes! 许多CSTM学生通过校外工作来增加收入!  There are many different employment opportunities in the Boston area, 从食品服务到医院和精神卫生机构.  While on-campus jobs only permit students to work a maximum of 20 hours per week, often only during normal office hours, off-campus employment can be a good option for flexible hours.

公元前:学校/ stm / admission-faq / search-tags / do-stm-students-have-off-campus-jobs
How is getting around Boston? Do I need my car?

If you poll current CSTM students on the car question, you’ll find about a 50/50 split. 有些人真的很想在这里有车,而另一些人则觉得太麻烦了. 无论哪种方式,在校园和波士顿周围,通常都很容易. 从电子游戏软件到波士顿市中心有公共汽车和火车,只要不到一个小时, with several stops at stores and restaurants in between. The BC shuttle is also a great service for students. 它是完全免费的,在整个BC校园和周围的住宅区运行. 波士顿交通便利,很容易导航,探索起来也很有趣.

公元前:学校/ stm / admission-faq / search-tags / how-is-getting-around-boston-do-i-need-my-car
What is the best way to find housing in Boston?

Although housing is on the forefront of everyone’s mind, it is not as stressful as it seems!  Boston College does not offer on-campus housing for graduate students, 但是提供了充足的工具,使学生能够在当地找到舒适的住房.  Through the off-campus housing portal, 学生可以创建一个个人资料,列出他们的需求,并浏览可用的公寓. Another great resource is the CSTM 脸谱网 Group! 当前和毕业的CSTM学生经常发布空置的房间或公寓,他们希望将其传递给即将到来的CSTM学生.  Joining the CSTM student page can be a very helpful tool once you confirm your attendance!

公元前:学校/ stm / admission-faq / search-tags / what-is-the-best-way-to-find-and-make-housing-accommodations-in-boston
What type of housing and living options are available?

The city of Boston and its surrounding communities offer an array of housing options. Although the CSTM does not offer on-campus housing, we do all that we can to provide support throughout the process, including helping students find roommates and local listings. Boston College is located 6 miles from downtown Boston, so many CSTM students live closer to campus where rents can be less expensive than in the center of the city.

Graduate students are also welcome to apply to be Resident Assistants for Boston College.

Living in Boston

Being an RA

公元前:学校/ stm / admission-faq / search-tags / what-type-of-housing-and-living-options-are-available
