B.S./M.S. 程序

电子游戏软件 生物学 学生 involved in undergraduate research have the opportunity to apply for a 5年B.S./M.S. 程序.

Interested 学生 apply during their junior year and would begin coursework for the 程序 in their senior year. 学生将被授予M.S. 学位 after one and one-half years of graduate work and fulfilling all requirements. M.S. includes the completion of a thesis based on original research. 学生 are expected to stay in the same lab as their undergraduate research lab to complete their M.S. 论文电子游戏正规平台,所以不需要电子游戏正规平台轮转.

Please note there is no guarantee that the University or Department will supply funding or tuition remission to B.S./M.S. 学生. 学生 who are interested in applying should be able to secure funding through either personal funds, 联邦财政援助, 或者其他外部资金.

M.S. recipients are not eligible to apply for the 电子游戏软件 Ph.D. 程序.